Nathan Got Baptised

Nathan was baptized after church today, a decent chunk of the extended family came to church to witness. Nathans testimony during the service was amazing, I’m a proud big brother.

After the church service we headed down to the beach for the baptism, and a fellowship lunch followed at the nearby picnic area.

Amy's Graduation

My beautiful wife graduated today, after 3.5 years of hard work and determination that continues to amaze and astound me, she has graduated top of her class! Taking out the ESSA highest GPA award. To say that I am proud of her is the understatement of the century!

She doesn’t get a rest though, diving straight into Honors, where her work ethic and determination to be the best she can be continues to amaze! I love you baby and I’m beyond proud of you!

Side note: Amy Eyles BExSc sounds so cool!

Meeting Beck & Joel's Newest Member

Beck made a surprise visit to Tassie the other day, so I finally had the pleasure of meeting little BMW (Benjamin Michael Walker)

Its been a very long time since I saw, or held a baby, I had forgotten how small they actually are!

Congratulations Beck & Joel :)

50 Years Married

On the weekend my grandparents on dads side celebrated 50 years of marriage, the whole family organized a surprise get together in Launceston for a cruise down the Tamar followed by some photos (Grandma loves family photos) and tea at a Chinese restaurant, The Golden Brumby (formerly known as Susie's Hoong Fatt - I laughed too). All in all it was a good day, and a blessing to celebrate 50 years along with them.

I would just like to say Congratulations to them, and may there be many more years to come!