Shadow Deamon

This will only interest those of you who have played Planetary Annihilation.

So I spent several hours today playing PA online with a mate of mine, I had forgotten how epic this game is (and it got more epic today, but more on that later).

Somehow my commander got changed from my usual choice for one of the matches, so I went into the Armory to change it back, and while I was there had a look through all the other choices (most of which you have to buy) and I found one I really liked:

It happened to be on special too! $5 down from $15, so I figured what the heck, I had $2.50 in my steam wallet so it wasn’t going to cost me much so I hit the 'buy me' button, proceeded through the checkout only to reach the end and get a receipt for $0.00 and the commander added to my arsenal. Score! I’m still not sure how this happened, the only thing I can think of is because I backed PA I had a free voucher, but I wont complain! :) 

Now onto why it became more awesome today! For those I know who have played, you probably didn’t know about this, and if you didn’t then head into a game and try it out, its pure awesome! You’ll need a metal planet in the solar system, and an advanced fabricator. On the metal planet you’ll notice a series of blue dots around the north pole, this is where you will need to build a series of 5 Catalysts (seen them in the build menu but didn’t know what it was? yea, me too) once they are all built, your planet turns into a Death Star (which is what the planet just happened to be named in my game today), you can then hit the 'Fire Weapon' button and destroy any celestial object in the system (except the sun) with one hit. Whats more is it recharges in a matter of seconds! The super weapon to rule all super weapons!