Update 3.0

So I once again decided to overhaul my blog site, fingers crossed this time is the last, once again I have had to move all of the data across manually. I started this nearly 1 year ago today, but it is now finally done.

Ive connected a new domain as well:


Update 2.0

My website has been undergoing a major overhaul over the last 2 months, I have been working on improving the design and making it more modern, I am much happier with this design.

The biggest change is behind the scenes, a change in host, I wasn't able to get a design I was happy with at my previous host. I also wanted a decent mobile app so I can post on the go (up until now I have been forced to do it from a computer). This host has excellent mobile apps. 

This overhaul has been a long time coming, and a lot of work to bring online (I had to transfer all the content over manually). I’m glad its finally done.

Update 1.1

It will be a couple weeks before the domain is hooked up, I wont be rolling this out to the public until then, but I will start writing posts. At the very least it will give people something to read when I announce it. 

*still haven’t worked out a signature* 

Update 1.0

Well the website is basically complete, all that’s left to do now is connect my domain name, and remove the damn ads! Once thats done it will be ready to roll out to the public.