I am without my phone

So while I was in Tassie last I had a little accident with my iPhone, I leaned on a sharp object and shattered the screen while it was in my pocket. (unfortunately I don’t have a photo of it). Fortunantely I had purchased Apples Extended Warranty which covers accidental damage (for a relatively small fee they will give you a new phone). So I took it into the local reseller here in New Zealand (Apples warranty is international, which is epic) and they are handling a replacement for me, so I am without iPhone for a week.

In its place I will be using this, a mid range Android Smartphone:

Until recently I hated android, still do hate v4 and older. It was v5 that sparked my interest, it was the reason I bought this phone, to have a play with it, and so far I don’t mind it, but, as of yet I havent used it as a daily driver. Well, that starts today, for the next week I am stuck with it, lets see how it goes!