Its Been a While...

A lot has happened since my last post, here is a quick update on a few things that have happened (its been very busy!) 


A brief word on Christmas last year, in short, a lot of lasts involved, and by that I mean things happening for the last time, it was my last christmas as an unmarried man, the last christmas at home with mum and dad, and also the last christmas dinner at my grandparents current house, where it has been for as long as i have memories of christmas. It was a good day, and also a bit emotional, but I was very keen for the future. Nothing can get you more excited than being able to marry your best friend! 

Bucks Night

Grant was able to secure In the Zone for my Bucks night at a cost to everyone (except me) of about 1 game each, we spent something like 5 hours there... It was AWESOME! Thanks Grant, you pulled of a far better bucks night than I could have hoped for. Unfortunately Ben wasnt well and didnt make it.


Anyone who has planned, or helped to plan a wedding will know that it takes a hell of a lot of effort and time, and Amy being at Uni and me full time working didn't make it any easier, however come January 10th 2016 everything came together in absolute perfection and went off like clockwork, literally nothing could have gone better. Amy and I couldn’t be happier, and we will thank God for that for the rest of our lives.

Isn’t she absolutely stunning?

Yes, I cried.

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all those who helped us to pull it off, we couldn't have done it without you. 


I wont say much about this other than it was absolutely amazing, and, that a cruise is the perfect honeymoon, everything, and I mean everything, is taken care off for you. The ship, the places we visited, the food, simply mind blowing. All of it. It was an amazing experience and a perfect honeymoon.

Our first look at the ship, Carnival Spirit

This was at the first stop, Mystery Island, absolutely stunning place, we couldn’t believe it! Turns out those tropical island photos in magazines aren’t photo-shopped! 

Leaving the ship was a process called Tendering, several of the lifeboats were used to ferry people to and from shore.

On the balcony of our cabin, on the starboard side towards the stern.

This shot was taken from the viewing deck directly on top of the bridge. Pretty cool.

Free TV

A little bit of a backstory before I talk about this one, Amy and her family, particularly her father and sister, are big followers of Survivor, they have watched it together since long before I came on the scene. Due to our limited funds we didn't have a TV and so I had just setup one of my computer monitors in the living room to watch episodes and movies on. Well, about a week before Survivor was scheduled to start we get a phone call from her dad informing us that as an early birthday present to Amy they would put $400 towards a TV for us. Wow. 
Obviously I wanted to put extra money in and get something nice, but we decided to be wise and find something for the $400, which we did, a 43" Full HD TV. Freebies are awesome :) Thanks Brett & Jenny!!

Smashed Apple Watch

Yea um.. whoops.. I’m glad I bought Apple Care+, a new one is on its way!

Dozer Engine

Dad and I have had a rush of work come in in the last 8 weeks, we have been absolutely flat out, with people chasing us to be there, which is great, a welcome change from the last couple of years! Last year we bought a dozer so we could take on these jobs, we had to do some work on it at home, but as it turns out, unfortunately we didn’t do enough, towards the end of the job we are currently on it suffered an engine failure, so we are now working flat out to try and get it going again (we are building a new engine for it) and to finish of the job we are on. 

The old girl is looking pretty sad at the moment. 

Anyway that’s it for now, over and out.