Our 1st Wedding Anniversary

I cant believe its been a year already! So much has happened. I am so happy to be married to the most amazing wife, life has been so much better since we tied the knot and I cant wait to celebrate many many more anniversaries!

We decided we'd go away for the weekend to Richmond, where we got engaged!

We stayed at a place called Hatcher’s Manor, I've never stayed at such a place, it was quite cool.

Breakfast done right on Saturday morning at a cute little cafe in Richmond.

After breakfast we wandered around Richmond, we had a lunch booking at the French Bistro, we weren't really sure exactly what it was, but it looked fancy, its on a vineyard, and we assumed it'd be french food, Amy was very keen to check it out!

Wandering around Richmond we found the Richmond Chocolate Shop... going in was a bad idea..

Amongst many other things, they had the above, made in house, gelato selection, we got a 'decadent thickshake' which is a thickshake made using your choice of gelato, my first choice would have been musk (pink one bottom left) but unfortunately there wasn't enough left to make a shake, so we picked Nutella, and boy was it good! 

By now it was time to head off to our lunch booking, the Bistro was really fancy, with an amazing view out over the vineyard.

All of the menu items were, well lets just say I had no idea what anything was, one of them said 'burger' in their somewhere so I ordered that one, seriously thats how I picked, and this is what I got:

It had some ingredients in it that I would normally stick my nose up to (yes I know, I'm fussy), but this burger was delicious! Amy picked out some sort of French salad, she really enjoyed that too. 

Next stop, some shopping in Hobart! 

On our wedding day we never actually got to try a piece of our wedding cake, we grabbed a couple of pieces as we were leaving, but some clown decided to cover us in glitter.. And so we have had in our freezer the top tier of the cake, all that was left, we decided to wait until our anniversary to try it, so for dessert we tried it, and it was so good! 

On Sunday Amy wanted to go to the Royal Botanical Gardens, it was really nice and very pretty, we really enjoyed wandering around, I particularly like watching how excited Amy gets when we go to places like this.

After the gardens we headed home, via Richmond, we wanted another shake from the Chocolate Shop... Baileys... It was so good...

On the way into Richmond I spotted a Tesla Model S! I have finally seen one in the flesh and I want one even more now! 

They are actually alot bigger than I expected, its hard to believe that it can launch 0 - 100 in under 3 seconds..